How to organize a surprise for the marriage proposal

What to say, how to say it, where to do it and who to ask for help for the perfect marriage proposal

When organizing a wedding nothing should be left to chance, including the marriage proposal. Often, just the right words are not enough for this very important moment, but also the right place, the dress and the way in which you ask the fateful question: “Will you marry me?”

Below you will find some useful advice to prepare and organize a great wedding request.

How to make a marriage proposal

The first fundamental advice for an ad hoc wedding declaration is to make a proposal that reflects your style, but above all yourself. For example, if you are a traditionalist, it would be better to create a romantic atmosphere peppered with flowers, otherwise, if you are an original person and traditions are not for you, it would be better to focus on an unconventional climax. Obviously, in addition to being consistent with your aptitudes, at the moment of the proposal, also evaluate in particular the type of love story you are intensely experiencing with your beloved half, taking into consideration his tastes and the character traits that interacting with you form that magical mix that characterizes your close relationship.

Where to propose marriage

As already mentioned before, the suitable place depends on your personality and that of the future bride, if you are people linked to tradition, the ideal would be to organize a lunch or dinner together with your partner’s family under the pretext of an anniversary special (the day you met or got engaged, the name day, etc.) and after having announced the declaration of marriage in front of the whole family, continue peacefully with the celebrations together with relatives and friends, ready to offer you warm wishes for good luck.

If, however, you are a couple constantly looking for original ideas and traditions are not for you, an excellent way to surprise your beloved partner could be to organize an appointment in a place that does not give rise to any premonitory suspicion about the marriage request (a place that you often go to, in a park, etc.) and with the excuse of a photo or a selfie I remember immortalizing your partner’s reaction while you show her the ring for the marriage proposal.

Otherwise, if you are a person particularly attached to romance, an excellent way to make the most important proposal of your life is to organize yourself while your partner is not at home, for example by scattering scented rose petals around the house, creating romantic figures or even better phrases related to your romantic relationship. Or once you get home, play your loved one’s favorite song at a precise but unexpected moment and propose to her.

Ideal phrases for marriage proposals

To create sentences that suit a romantic marriage proposal, you could, for example, write a handwritten love letter that mentions the fundamental stages of your love story before showing the ring. Otherwise, if you are looking for original phrases, you could organize a treasure hunt in your home with notes or paper riddles that lead to the discovery of the wedding ring as the final prize. If, on the other hand, you are a frank person who likes to say things straight to the face, all you need to do is prepare a brief introduction to the solemn proposal, openly expressing how you feel about your beloved and handing over the much-desired ring while looking into her eyes with an extra pinch of romanticism. for the special occasion.

Choosing the right professionals for the wedding

In addition to the clothes, the photos, the food, the car and all those fundamental details for the organization of a wedding ceremony, nowadays there are very valid professionals who help to create wedding proposals studied down to the smallest detail in order to make perfect one of the most important moments of a couple’s life.

By contacting these industry experts, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of the skills and abilities gained in different fields, starting from the world of fashion, passing through design, up to luxury. Specifically, these professionals’ study and prepare wedding proposals that are perfectly suited to all those people who wish to rely on an experienced figure in the sector, specialized in preparing wedding requests based on the inclinations, tastes and character characteristics of those who want to be sure of making an unforgettable marriage proposal.