The renewal of marriage vows: The importance of knowing your partner

Marriage is not limited to the day of celebration and celebration, but must be honored every day of one's life exactly as the promise says

Marriage is not limited to the day of celebration and celebration, but must be honored every day of one’s life exactly as the promise says.

However, once certain goals have been reached, it is possible to celebrate them by renewing one’s wedding vows, demonstrating that even after some time, one would choose the same partner as many years before, knowing him or her even more deeply and still loving his or her strengths and weaknesses.

So, let’s see when it is possible to renew your promises, how to do it and what are the best ways to amaze your partner.

When to renew your wedding vows

In reality there is no exact and one-size-fits-all timing for the renewal of marriage vows.

In fact, one must feel in one’s heart the need to reiterate one’s love for one’s partner, especially after getting to know him or her even better during married life.

Usually, most couples wait until they reach the milestone of 25 years together, an important figure that deserves a celebration similar if not equal to that of the wedding itself.

However, following important events or crises that are resolved, many people are ahead of their time and do not wait for the silver wedding anniversary.

A real turning point is the golden wedding, which can only be celebrated by those who have been together for 50 years and have spent most of their lives together.

A unique milestone is that of the diamond wedding, which presupposes that 60 years have passed since the original wedding and that you still want to reiterate to your loved one that the best choice was made on that day.

How to best renew your wedding vows: the proposal

To make the renewal of vows even more romantic, some choose to ask their partner for their hand again.

Given the very in-depth knowledge, it is possible to know the tastes of your loved one and make the situation perfect and special.

For example, if your loved one loves the sea, why not choose this location at sunset, perhaps on the occasion of your anniversary or in memory of your first kiss?

On the contrary, a partner who loves cities of art and travel could greatly appreciate a request for renewal of promises accompanied by a plane ticket to a destination where he has always wanted to go.

Italy is full of interesting destinations and villages waiting to be discovered, with the possibility of going beyond the borders to treat yourself to exotic places or perhaps a cruise.

Those who love walking in the mountains, with green or snowy landscapes, will find a proposal to renew vows surrounded by silent and immaculate nature very romantic.

To each their own situation therefore, to experience a moment of strong emotion despite the many years that have already been spent together.

How to celebrate the renewal of wedding vows

Marriage promises can be renewed in a religious or secular form, also based on how the original rite was celebrated. It will therefore be necessary to agree with the officiant in the first case, in order to book the church on the chosen day, or organize a personal celebration with friends and relatives who can closely observe how strong your union is. The next step is to organize a party with loved ones or book a romantic getaway only in the company of your partner.

You can return to a place that made you happy and of which you have fond memories, or opt for a new destination so as to build a new wealth of memories and memorable moments. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together for a long time, the experiences to share are endless and only cement the relationship, making it indissoluble.

An equally valid but low-cost alternative is to celebrate the moment with an experience, giving yourself a day to yourself or even just a few hours doing what you like or relax. For example, a spa or a trip to the mountains can be a suitable culmination of the moment, as can a day at the beach or a return to your favorite place.

It is truly romantic to be able to celebrate this milestone with your children, showing how love can generate something truly important like life.

Surprise your partner with a ceremony she doesn’t expect

If you haven’t yet talked about renewing your vows and you want to show your partner how, despite the years spent together, he is at the center of your thoughts, you can choose to organize a party without his knowledge and take him there with an excuse.

This solution is not practicable in the case of religious renewal, where both parties are involved, while it can be easily implemented in the case of a civil celebration.

Choose a suggestive location that you know your sweetheart will like, such as a forest, a beach or an open space in the high mountains.

Choose someone among your loved ones who can act as an officiant and who has been part of your growth together as a couple, so that they can speak knowledgeably and tell funny anecdotes.

Bring your loved one to the place in an unexpected way and make the moment special by involving those who love you most, with an intimate or larger ceremony depending on your tastes.

Prepare a meaningful speech and use the expression that best represents you, such as music, poetry, prose or video, as long as your feelings best shine through and the atmosphere is full of the emotions you feel.

Subsequently it is possible to organize a small refreshment and escape from everyone and carve out time for the couple, still savoring the union that has kept you together for so many years.

The right moment is the one you choose and it is not necessary to wait for great milestones such as the silver, golden or even diamond weddings.

Why is it important to know your partner to organize the renewal of vows?

To amaze him, it is essential to follow his tastes and create a celebration that can make him as happy as the first time.

Relying on a Proposal planner could be very useful to ensure everything is perfect.