The perfect wedding proposal: 5 tips to make it unforgettable

The place of dreams, your favorite music, a touch of romance and the surprise effect

The love journey is completed with the fateful yes, two lovers decide to join in marriage to give life to a new beginning characterized by adventures and difficulties that are in many cases unforeseen. Although marriage is the conclusion of an engagement process, even before this event can materialize it is necessary to make the marriage proposal. How to plan the perfect wedding statement? Today we will see five tips that can give inspiration for a day as special as the wedding itself.

The marriage proposal: radio, TV or newspaper

In recent years, more and more couples decide to declare their love and desire to get married using a public instrument, such as the radio, TV or an advert in the newspaper. If your sweetheart usually reads a newspaper or simply listens to a radio or television program, it could be particularly exciting for her to receive the marriage proposal on the radio or in a dedicated section in the newspaper.

It is not difficult to contact a newspaper editorial team, much less a radio station. With a live phone call, you will be able to declare your desire to your better half, taking into account his/her working hours and wishes. By choosing the ideal tool with which to communicate, your heart will open and you will not forget an event of this kind for the rest of your life. It will be difficult to hold back the emotion, therefore, it is advisable to carry out some tests in the previous days to avoid getting stuck at the best moment.

Where to propose: the perfect place

If the idea of ​​contacting a radio or newspaper editorial team is not your style and does not perfectly match your loved one’s routine, it is important to evaluate where to make the marriage proposal. Choosing a location may not be so simple as you are always busy with work and activities for your home and family.

The plane is one of the most popular places in recent years. In fact, it is possible to speak to the flight attendants to announce the message of love through the speakers. Your loved one will surely be surprised and the passengers will not be able to avoid applause.

Another place where you can declare your desire to get married is the stadium. Even if in Italy this initiative is not among the most popular, in the USA and in larger countries, many men love to bring the ring with them for the engagement proposal at the stadium, using it to ask for the hand of their beloved. You can opt for a proposal on the pitch or for a more dramatic one written on the scoreboard.

However, there is no need to tie yourself to a specific place or where other people are present, the proposal can also be made in more intimate contexts. To make your marriage proposal unforgettable, you can choose a place where you have a particular memory, linked to your love story.

The place of the first kiss or where the spark to unite forever was sparked, the choice is linked to one’s emotions and the evolution of the story. However, there are many other places where you can make the proposal unique, you can organize a treasure hunt on the beach or organize it in your own home with a particular scenography.

Marriage declaration: the importance of music

In a couple’s relationship, music almost always plays a fundamental role, considering this element as the perfect background for every important event or for enjoying intimacy and fun. Music can become an integral part of the marriage proposal, but how best to contextualize it? The choice of a personal serenade or a band could certainly be an impactful approach for the woman you love. A serenade under the balcony, although overblown, always arouses emotions and charm.

However, not everyone is lucky enough to live in a city where they can sing freely, this implies a radical change of plan. You can opt for the creation of a song to start in the car, to start arousing some curiosity in your future wife.

Marriage request: romance

The expression “marriage proposal” in most cases is associated with romance, it could not be otherwise given the many emotions at play in such a moment. In order to make these moments of trepidation as romantic as possible, flowers absolutely cannot be missing. A rose, a peony or a flower particularly loved by your sweetheart is the first step to surprising her.

The groom who organizes the proposal in his own home can think of strewing the floor with rose petals, and then add some notes that lead the sweetheart to the place where the declaration will take place.

But in addition to flowers, you can also choose to approach the proposal on a beach and a breathtaking sunset, or with a photo album that captures the couple’s journey up to that moment. Romanticism is to be found in the small details, sometimes hidden in the most heartfelt daily activities.

Marriage proposal: surprise effect

Romance is certainly an essential component of asking for the hand of your beloved, but this can also be perfectly linked to a beautiful surprise effect. In many cases the woman perceives when her beloved is ready to ask for her hand, thus losing a little of the original effect. In order to amaze the future bride, you have to work hard to find time and a way to amaze her.

One of the simplest solutions to implement is to freeze the ring inside an ice cube, placing it inside the glass while having dinner. A further unexpected effect can be generated by the creation of a dessert, or a fortune cookie in which to insert the ring and the message for the marriage proposal.In this case, imagination must have no limits, everyone can plan a surprise with originality, trying to dismantle the barriers created over time. Those who have little imagination or little time to organize themselves as best as possible can rely on the Proposal planner, a new figure who will make the marriage proposal unique, unforgettable and witho