Love has no borders: rainbow marriage proposal

5 ways to propose marriage to a person of the same sex
You have found your soul mate and you know that she represents your missing part, to the point that now you are certain that you want to take “The big step”: asking her to join you forever.
If you don’t know where to start to plan a unique and exciting marriage proposal, below you will find some suggestions for a “Will you marry me?” worthy of being remembered.
In two, to start a chosen family
Throughout the world and also in our country, the debate on civil unions between people of the same sex has now reached an advanced stage: much more than in the past, it is recognized that the experience has led to a concept of human and social flexibility which is also reflected on the idea of family.
If you are experiencing a love story with a person of the same sex, you have long known all the implications of this condition and have assimilated them.
Now you find yourself in a phase in which you feel the need to take the next step: pronounce a declaration of marriage addressed to the person who has taken your heart, an important gesture that represents the beginning of a further journey together.
The “problem” arises the moment you realize that… you don’t know where to start!
Before emotion plays a bad joke, try to think clearly: what are the things you love to do together, what places do you like to visit, do you love cinema or theatre, do you like reading or do you prefer to spend your free time doing sports?
If even after this examination you are unable to identify any of the ideas for the perfect wedding proposal for you, you can contact a Proposal planner, a professional in the sector of organizing this special type of event, who will help you on all fronts: determine the budget, personalize the idea that you would like to inspire and take care of even the smallest detail, so that everything runs smoothly and with maximum ease.
Plus, you can trust her 100% because she will strictly keep your intentions a secret!
How to surprise your rainbow soulmate: 5 ways to ask her to marry you
Among the many options to inspire you to declare your intention to share life with the person of your heart, you should choose the one that is closest to both of your tastes.
And if it is true that opposites often attract, it may happen that you have to “sacrifice” your preferences a little in favor of those of the other person: by doing so you will demonstrate that you care a lot about their happiness and that you want satisfy his every desire, in a moment that will remain imprinted forever in the memory of both of them.
From the very intimate request to the more extroverted one, up to the shared and shared one, all you have to do is personalize one of the exciting wedding proposals, so that it becomes completely “yours”.
1. To the tune of your favorite music
Organizing an evening immersed in the harmony of sounds is certainly one of the most immediate ways to win the hearts of those you love.
Go to a concert together in a sports hall, or spend an evening in an intimate venue where live music is played: at a certain point, when all the emotion of your favorite song vibrates in the air, make your proposal.
And since few things in the world bring us closer together like music, if you already live together, you can also organize an absolutely private concert, on the sofa at home: the surprise effect is, however, guaranteed and in this way, you will make even the most reserved partner happy.
2. The sentimental value of an object
Traditionally, the natural complement to the marriage proposal is the engagement ring but, if you like originality, there are a thousand other options available and not just among jewels.
If your soulmate loves art or literature, what could excite them more than receiving a painting or small sculpture from their favorite artist, or a limited-edition book from the writer they adore?
Giving her an object that reflects her personality clearly indicates your attention towards her: accompanying the gift with the marriage request can only guarantee a positive response from her.
3. Accidental tourists… or maybe not
Many couples choose to go to a city full of objective charm, to spend moments together, for example by taking a trip to Rome, Venice, Paris, London or New York or any other place in the world that is a source of inspiration and of pleasure.
Why not take advantage of this opportunity to confirm your intention to continue “traveling together” even in everyday life?
All you need to do is organize – as a surprise – a weekend or holiday in a place familiar to both of you, but if you want to amaze even more, choose a city you have never visited: it will represent the ideal location for a request you have never made.
And that city, from that moment on, will become only “yours”.
4. Love and sport: an infallible combination
Do you have a passion for fitness? So, let the manager of the gym you frequent become your accomplice and, during a training session, “accidentally” slide a banner across a wall with the words “Will you marry me?”
If you really want to do things big, propose yourself during a sailing boat tour, or while flying over the city in a helicopter.
Another way to surprise your soulmate could be to make the declaration while diving, in the company of curious fish and admiring the wonders of the seabed.
5. Celebrating with “close hearts”
If you are lucky enough to have family and friends close to you who are happy with your love story, you can only organize this important moment in your life by sharing it with them.
Nothing sensational: a barbecue in the garden, a party before Christmas, your soulmate’s birthday… Every occasion will be a good one to show, even to those who already know your bond, your intention to make it even closer.
After all, already in the 80s Culture Club, in their beautiful “Love is Love” said: “And you know that love is love, its written in black and blue and everything you say, you have to carry it more close to you”.