Marriage proposals by the sea: advice and ideas for an unforgettable experience

Proposals that have the splash of water at the bottom, the scent of salt, white and light clothes... Are you already dreaming?

As every Proposal planner knows well, the chances are high that a very romantic do-it-yourself marriage proposal will result in a sensational, albeit perhaps fun to talk about for posterity, failure. Murphy’s laws are always lurking, and therefore strategic errors are commonplace, such as serving a substantial banquet on the very day she started the diet; put a melodic background when he is going through the jazz-only phase; making caviar and champagne instead of steak and chips when our partner has spent an entire afternoon at the gym; or run into a last minute work meeting that ruins all plans, leaving us with candles that are now used up and oysters that are ashamed to remain on the table.

For this reason, it is always good to turn to a professional in the sector, who thanks to her experience, which sometimes has a touch of divination, takes charge of the entire organization and leaves us to take care of ourselves to look our best.

Today we talk about…

Since there are so many ideas for a marriage proposal, such as declarations in luxury restaurants, returns to the place where you met, romantic carpets of rose petals to embellish a bathtub full of perfumes or champagne and oysters by candlelight candle, we limit our marriage proposals to a specific and certainly successful scenario: the sea. Yes, proposals that have the lapping of water at the bottom, the scent of saltiness, white and light clothes… Are you already dreaming?

A great classic

Let’s start with a generally much appreciated and always winning idea: the bottle with the message inside. It is a suitable solution whether the proposal comes from him or whether she takes the initiative. The important thing is to be credible in the surprise when you find it on the shoreline or inside a trunk hollowed out by the salt. Obviously, there is no need to get everything ready for 10 in the morning, when the beach will be glowing with bathers and smelling of coconut cream, but opt for the most romantic sunset, when you return to the beach for a pre-aperitif walk, scented with shower and flowers, barefoot under the airy light linen clothes.

At this point, with the excuse of looking for shells, you will see the bottle, inside which you will have inserted a rolled parchment. Get help to extract and open it. At this point you will read the proposal together and, at the same time, you will offer the engagement ring or a wedding ring. If you are unsure of the firmness of your voice, remain silent. As they say, it can often speak more than a thousand words (especially if embarrassed).

A pirate proposal

Snorkeling enthusiasts? On holiday on the Red Sea, in Australia, in Thailand? Take advantage of snorkeling sessions in fabulous seas for your proposal. What’s more exciting than finding a treasure chest at the bottom of the sea? So, let’s book a morning of diving and make an agreement with the organizers to fit our little treasure chest between the rocks, obviously in a reachable and safe position. During the dive, make sure to bring your partner above that point. If your boyfriend doesn’t notice anything, well, it’s up to you to direct him, telling him where to look. Transport the treasure to a place where you can lean on it and open it together, because with the fins to wave to stay afloat, the mask and the snorkel you would lose much of the charm of the situation, and proceed to force the container…

Surprise, surprise: inside there will be a ring (to stay on topic, it could be pearls. They say they bring tears, but they can be tears of joy) and a message with the writing “Will you marry me?”, or, again on the theme of the sea: “There are no oceans and chests that can separate us… do you want to spend your whole life with me?”

Followed by kisses and hugs.

A gourmet proposal

The proposal in a delightful candlelit restaurant is evergreen, and with good reason. A small meeting place on the beach, the sound of the surf in the background, the scent of salt, the lights of the fishing boats dotting the horizon are the perfect complement to the relaxation that envelops us after a day on the beach, wrapped in our elegant and shiny clothes golden tan.

Let’s make an agreement with the maître to serve some splendid oysters as an appetizer, one of which will have been tampered with, so as to contain the ring that we intend to give to our sweetheart. Be careful to ensure that the shells are easily separable and the ring is lightly fixed to the shell to avoid Pretty Woman-style flights of gems.

Here it is up to you to decide whether to dare to kneel (which can have the grace of an Olympic pike dive or, unfortunately, the effect of a painful belly flop) and reiterate your declaration verbally.

A daring proposal

And finally, a playful proposal with a somewhat naive romanticism, but which often achieves its goal.

Rent a small boat for a day for two among caves and coves. In the afternoon, when you are preparing to return and that gentle wind reaches you from the open sea that caresses your burnt skin, another boat full of… pirates will suddenly appear from behind strategic rocks! Dressed like Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, they will try to attack your boat amidst frightening screams, but you, with a saber casually at hand, will repel the assault. The pirates will only have to pick up their musical instruments and start a cheerful concert worthy of mariachis. It is the moment to offer the ring and, kneeling in unstable balance, pronounce the proposal.

In conclusion

These are just some of the suggestions involving a marine background. There are more traditional variations such as writing in the sand, or renting a plane that shows the banner with our declaration from the sky, or even the classic day in a SPA, with a ring drowned in a fruit juice. But there are also many original wedding proposals, which a professional can help you identify to create exciting wedding proposals suitable for your couple.