Marriage proposal: ideas and suggestions for the perfect speech

When the fateful moment arrives, all you have to do is decide how to propose

“Will you marry me?”

You feel ready to say three of the most spoken words in the world, but… there’s a “but”: you don’t know how to express your feelings or how to organize the moment to declare yourself.

Don’t think you’re at fault if you already feel an emotion that blocks every thought, because everyone probably feels the same sensations on an important occasion like this, but a minimum of organization is enough to overcome the impasse and proceed quickly towards the goal. The goal: a wedding promise worthy of being remembered.

Towards a future together: how to start and continue the journey

Remember the movie “When Harry met Sally” and the way the protagonist declares his love? He does this using simple words, referring to the small habits and adorable imperfections that make a relationship unique.

At the end of his beautiful and emotional speech, Harry tells Sally: “I came here tonight because when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with one person, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

Here, if you want to ask the person next to you to marry you, you could take inspiration from this phrase to pronounce your marriage declaration: in fact, why wait any longer, why let more time pass before starting a life together?

Given the intention as certain, at this point you will ask yourself what is the right time to ask the fatal question to the person you want to become the other half of the apple.

So, you can choose whether to surprise her in a completely unexpected circumstance, or let her intuit something, waiting for that “something” to materialize: in the latter case, without excessive detachment, let her understand that you are thinking about marriage but don’t know yet. when and how this event will happen, increasing his curiosity about your intentions.

Even if spontaneity and sincerity must be the strong points of your marriage request, I advise you not to leave anything to chance and to also plan the details of the fateful moment.

So, go: choose “where and when”, create the ideal atmosphere and prepare to excite.

First step: decide where to declare yourself

The first trump card to play concerns where to make the marriage proposal: in choosing the location, both the surprise effect and the choice of a familiar place for both, capable of recalling important memories, can be decisive.

If you like sophisticated places, you will choose a nice restaurant, even one you frequent often but, if you really want to impress, book a dinner at a place that offers gourmet cuisine.

If you share a love for nature, you can go to the seaside, have a picnic on the lawn, or a walk in the park: being surrounded by greenery and flowers, or immersing yourself in the sun and fresh air of a beach, already creates in itself a romantic and evocative atmosphere that doesn’t need much else to be perfect.

Second step: choose what to say

Marriage proposals represent the most varied and differentiated one you can imagine, because each couple is unique and different, they know the points of union and the divergences, knowing that it is precisely the variety of contents that makes a relationship special.

For this reason, your marriage declaration must contain, in addition to the request to marry you, also the reasons that you think the person you are addressing may share: your common tastes, the things you love to do together, the projects and expectations.

The combination of these words will lead to a reflection and the pronunciation of that “yes” which will begin a new path.

If you want, you can also draw inspiration from the many marriage proposal phrases that celebrate this moment and, perhaps, write one on a note to be delivered together with the ring.

Third step: refine the details

In such a context, the marriage proposal ring always has a significant importance, even if today the choice of model is actually much freer than in the past and does not stop only at the classic brilliant.

For example, if you know that your girl has a passion for emeralds, why not let her gaze light up when faced with a splendid green gem?

If, however, you still don’t have a clear idea of ​​her tastes in terms of precious stones, you can suggest that you go on a “casual” shopping trip together in which you will stop to look at the windows of jewelry shops, in order to understand what she likes. really: you will get the useful idea to not make a mistake with such an important purchase and to highlight, when you talk about your intentions, that you always keep his wishes in mind.

“The words I didn’t tell you” … but that I’m about to tell you

When the fateful moment arrives, all you have to do is decide how to propose.

Show yourself ready to take this step, absolutely free from obligations or constraints, express your desire and enthusiasm, aware that those in front of you also feel the same sensations.

Also remember that the marriage proposal represents the desire to make a commitment which – at least in intentions – is valid for life.

The reasons underlying your request must therefore be clear and well-founded: highlight them in your speech and let them express the reason for your decision.

You can say, for example, that you came to this decision by thinking back to the moments spent together, between joys and inevitable difficulties, that today you feel able to continue living those moments and that you would like to share many new experiences with her.

Because, as Francis Scott Fitzgerald said, “Marriage is a promise two souls make to keep their lives together, no matter what life may throw at them.”