Unexpected marriage proposals: 3 ideas to surprise him

Women also know how to take the decisive step, often with great spirit and imagination
Marriage proposals should always be romantic, surprising and unexpected. It is a moment that the couple will remember for a lifetime, which is why it is important that it represents it, embodying what characterizes it and the depth of feeling that holds it together. This doesn’t mean that you can’t stage dramatic gestures or slightly over the top situations, but this must happen only if you are sure that this approach is appreciated.
Here we want to start from a point of view different from the classic one: in fact, we want to delve into the original marriage proposals, organized by her for him.
More and more frequently in marriage proposals we go beyond the cliché of the man who declares his feelings on his knees. Women also know how to take the decisive step, often with great spirit and imagination.
Before proceeding with some ideas capable of making the moment unforgettable (and the proposal impossible to refuse!), we underline that, to be sure that your idea works, for suggestions and support in setting up the scene, it is very useful to turn to a Proposal planner. His job is to make everything perfect, take care of the practical details for you and avoid unexpected events that could cause the plan to fail. In fact, we cannot deny that, often, nice and simple ideas turn out to be extremely complicated to implement. An excellent Proposal planner is needed precisely to manage these situations.
A high-flying proposition
A first idea, aimed at a sporty boyfriend, involves organizing a day of climbing. Equipped walls are present almost everywhere and allow great fun even for non-experts. Book a session, then make an agreement with the manager to place, at the top of the route planned for your boyfriend, a small envelope with his name and the words You won! Inside there will be a note containing your proposal.
An example could be: “Together we can reach any peak. Do we want to do this forever?”
Or: “You’ve made it this far, but if you want to hit the ground again, you’d better hurry and marry me!”
Or even: “I have the rope that keeps you safe in my hand, while you show me the easiest holds. Together we can overcome any obstacle and do it for life…”
A proposal for gourmets
A few generations ago, but it could also be valid now, it was said that man is taken by the throat and that love passes through the stomach.
Following this popular maxim, you can decide on a surprise marriage proposal in a starred restaurant, personalizing the dessert with the help of the staff, perhaps inserting a wedding ring into the soft-hearted cake or the chocolate soufflé. However, if you really want to amaze him, you need an extra step and a more complex project. One idea is to choose a small bistro, perhaps agreeing with the owner to have it exclusively on a closing day, and involve a tango company for an overwhelming flash mob.
This is the moment when the maître will bring the flutes of champagne and a cup of strawberries with the classic chocolate tag, which this time will feature a drawing of the two of you, in caricature form, and the phrase for the proposal.
Always remember to accompany the maître’s arrival first with amazement, as if to appear unfamiliar with what is happening, and then smile and laugh, because eyes sparkling with happiness and expectation make more than a thousand rings.
A pulse proposal
Exciting marriage proposals often involve objects and gifts that will remain forever linked to the moment, remembering the official beginning of the couple’s life.
It’s not always easy to find the ideal gift, but a highly appreciated solution, among those you can offer to your partner, is the personalized bracelet. You can go classic with a plate on which to affix a date, a name, a phrase that represents you, or opt for a more particular solution, such as two twin bracelets, one to show, holding it on your wrist, with pendants in the shape of letter that make up the words “Will you marry me” and one, for him, with pendants forming the answer “Yes”. Acceptance of the gift will seal your decision.
If you like the idea of the jewel, the most complicated thing is finding a way to deliver the message in an original and surprising way. You could organize a trip to the seaside, especially if out of season, and have him find the jewel inside a hollow log. You will have to pretend that you saw something shiny and can’t catch it. He will immediately make himself useful and will be able to immediately read the proposal and respond. An alternative is to use your pet as a partner. Attach the bracelet to the collar, next to a new personalized tag, in which your dog or cat complains and says, for example: “But why don’t you get married? Humans don’t recognize happiness even when it’s right in front of them. And hurry up, because I’ll be the page boy!” Obviously, a fingerprint cannot be missing as a signature.
Other ideas
There are many other ideas that may be suitable for a surprise marriage proposal:
• The ticket with the proposal to be given to him just before bungee jumping;
• The decals applied to his car, with your proposal written in all fonts, sizes and colors;
• The phrase shown on adhesive paper and applied to the scooter’s mirrors.
A final suggestion is to organize a vintage evening, to be held with friends, but also as a couple. Take the old Monopoly box from the top of the wardrobe and get two personalized place cards. Have a printed card prepared, the same as those of unexpected events and probabilities, with your proposal and a drawing of you with your aged faces using special software. One suggestion is to write: “If yours is a no, prepare to go to prison for life; if the answer is yes, join me in our hotel in Victory Park!”
At this point it would be very appropriate to make a reservation for a weekend in a resort with a SPA (possibly refundable, you never know…).