Marriage proposals for nature lovers

3 ideas for an outdoor wedding proposal
The marriage proposal must be a moment as original as it is unique in its completeness: let’s now see which are the 3 ideal marriage proposals that can be made in the open air, thus offering that touch of unique pleasure to this particular gesture.
The marriage proposal on the beach
The first marriage proposal idea you can make is the one that takes place on the beach.
Organize an outing with your future wife or husband in the evening: a few days before contact the aircraft message service and have the proposal message prepared.
Once the date and place of the plane’s passage have been established, you will have to be ready to have the person to whom you intend to propose read the message: with the sunset acting as a backdrop, you must pay attention to the noise of the plane’s engine and as soon as you feel it and make the person concerned turn towards the direction of the plane, so that he can read the message.
Remember to bring the ring with you and keep it well hidden, so that you can accompany the request with the romantic gesture.
The proposal during an excursion
As a second idea for a surprise wedding proposal, you can choose an excursion to a place surrounded by greenery where you will make the proposal.
In this case you must, first of all, choose a place where there is an open space that offers you a particular view: the atmosphere also takes on great importance, so try to choose a place that manages to convey the importance of the moment.
Explore the path a few days before organizing the excursion, so that you can carefully plan the route that will be taken and can choose the route you need to take.
Once you reach your destination, imagine how the proposal should be made: you can involve some accomplice who will take care of setting up the area where the proposal will be made, making the setting even more pleasant to look at and creating that pleasant moment for the person who will receive the proposal.
Once you have focused on all these points, organize the excursion session and remember to have a normal, serene behavior: the ring that you will give to the person once the proposal has been made must be present in your pocket or backpack.
During the journey, try to choose the road that leads to the place where the proposal will take place, so that you can do it.
Once you reach the place, let the other person admire the location in the open air: shortly after the first moment of amazement you will be able to propose.
This becomes even more significant and magical if you opt to create a billboard with the words “Will you marry me”, adding the emotion of the message to the amazement of discovering the location.
The treasure hunt in the park
As a third idea for an outdoor wedding proposal, you can organize a treasure hunt.
In this case you have to create a path dotted with many clues that allow your future husband or wife to get closer to the final destination, where you intend to make your marriage proposal.
Get help from your accomplices to organize the treasure hunt, creating easy clues and making it fun and exciting.
The last ticket must contain a simple message, namely “Will you marry me”: consider that this must be found in an open-air location where, possibly, friends and relatives are present, so try to involve them in the treasure hunt and remember them that they don’t have to find the last clue before your future husband or wife.
This way you will make the treasure hunt perfect from every point of view and your proposal will have that much desired touch of originality.
If you want some other advice to make your wedding proposal unique, contact a Proposal planner, who can offer you specific advice thanks to which you can perfect your wedding proposal and make it magical.